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Personal Insurance

Reducing the Amount of Water You Use to Save Money

By January 26, 2018November 16th, 2023No Comments

On March 22nd, a major event is happening. No, it’s not a famous person’s birthday or a national holiday. But it is an important day to be aware of. Friday happens to be World Water Day, which focuses on the significance of freshwater. In addition, it supports the advocacy for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.

Helping your family become aware of the importance of this day can help you manage the amount of water you use in your home. Education and preparation is key if you want to make sustainable changes in your residence. In addition, going green with your water can help you save money. Here are some simple steps to take that may decrease your water bill each month and help the environment as well:

  • Check your faucets and pipes for leaks.
  • Whether you take showers in the morning or night, try to take shorter ones.
  • When brushing your teeth, turn off the water after you wet the toothbrush.
  • If you shave, rinse your razor in the sink filled with a few inches of warm water. Then you don’t have to keep the water running.
  • Only put your clothes in washing machine if it is a full load. The same goes for the dishwasher.
  • Try to use the garbage disposal sparingly. In addition, composting vegetable food waste save gallons of water.
  • Upgrade the older toilets in your home with water efficient models.
  • If you have pets, wash them outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs water too.

At CNR Insurance, we hope these water savings tips help you enjoy World Water Day even more! Your family is important, so participating in sustaining the earth is a good cause to be an advocate for not only for their health, but safety too. You should also pay just as much attention to your residence. Your home is a place everyone should feel comfortable, and with the right protection, this can happen. With our help, we can find you the right insurance coverage for your family’s security.


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