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Personal Insurance

Stay Fit During the Holidays

By January 26, 2018June 22nd, 2023No Comments

Are you anticipating the upcoming holiday season? Although this is a time for celebration, by the end, you may not be enjoying your new and larger waistline. In order to prevent putting on the pounds, here are some tips on how to stay fit during the holidays:

•    Plan Realistic Workouts: Begin the holidays become before you know it, get ahead by drafting a schedule. This will allow you to plan accordingly for workouts and for healthy meals. The key is to be realistic and plan workouts that are shorter than usual.

•    Learn to Multitasking: Combine physical activities with holiday tasks. Park farther away from the mall entrance than usual or walk rapidly while shopping. Depending on where you live, you could go ice-skating or sledding, or take a walking tour of the neighborhood to view the Christmas lights. You can also use seasonal chores such as raking leaves or shoveling snow to burn calories.

•    Set Achievable Goals: When assessing your schedule, it’s important to establish achievable goals for your fitness schedule. Instead of aiming for weight loss over the holiday season, aim for weight maintenance instead. This can help you keep your eating and fitness habits more constant and less stressful.

•    Do More with Less: You don’t always have to go to the gym to get the best results. You could use the jump rope in the garage or do sprints in your neighborhood. If you have a bike, you could ride it in the park or walk the dog. The weather can’t stop you from your goal of a healthier lifestyle.

Although many believe that the holidays can be dangerous to the waistline, you don’t have to succumb to these thoughts. With preparation and support, you can enjoy fit, healthy holidays with ease.

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